When Gavin needed a new Support Worker, something unexpected happened

Monday November 23, 2020

When Gavin’s weekend Support Worker Mary told him she was relocating, he was a little anxious about who would replace her. Gavin liked and trusted Mary, and they had developed a strong bond.

Trust is important to Gavin. His Multiple Sclerosis, which mostly affects his lower body, means he needs someone to help him get in and out of bed every day. That person needs to be reliable, capable and understanding. They need to be able to help transfer Gavin from his bed to his walker in a way that is safe and ensures he maintains his dignity. He really hoped for someone just like his primary Support Worker, Lisa.

“Lisa is wonderful. She helps me Monday to Friday, not just to get in and out of bed but around the house and with things like housework and shopping. I trust her and we get on well. I really like her as a person and I also look forward to our conversations each day. She is great to talk to and we discuss all kinds of interesting topics.”

Gavin values the independence having support has opened for him. He is still highly mobile. He can move about his house in his walker for long periods, takes his scooter to the local shops, regularly travels into Melbourne city centre, and enjoys the occasional international cruise. All of this relies on having support to get in and out of bed. It’s something very simple but incredibly important.

LIsa (left) and her sister Matalena

Lisa (left) with her sister Matalena

What Gavin didn’t know was that Lisa’s sister, Matalena, had recently joined as a Lifestyle Solutions team member after seeing how much her sister enjoyed her role. With timing and proximity on their side, Matalena was assigned as Gavin’s secondary Support Worker.

“It was really exciting to find out Lena would also be supporting me,” said Gavin. “She is just as lovely as her sister. She is very caring and great to talk to. I am very happy.”

Lisa and Matalena are also very happy. They both think highly of Gavin.

“Gavin is a lovely, friendly person. I really enjoy supporting him and I love our conversations during the day,” said Lisa. “He feels like part of our family.”

“Gavin trusts and respects us,” said Matalena. “He never takes us for granted. He always helps us with the tasks we do. The three of us are a team, but more than that. It’s really nice.”