Safety in the COVID-19 pandemic

We want everyone we support, our staff and our communities to stay safe against COVID-19. We are following the government rules everywhere we provide services.

COVID-19 vaccination

Lifestyle Solutions encourages all people we support and team members to be vaccinated against COVID-19 if they have given informed consent for vaccination. Informed consent for people we support includes receiving medical advice.

Vaccination is for each person’s own safety and the safety of others. It’s an important part of preventing the spread of COVID-19 and limiting negative impacts, such as hospitalisation.

What is Lifestyle Solutions doing?

We are:

  • providing information to the people we support so they can make an informed decision about vaccination
  • working with the people we support, guardians and persons responsible on informed consent for vaccination
  • working closely with government departments and healthcare providers 
  • supporting team members with information 

We have been keeping people safe by:

  • securing a stock and supply of masks, hand sanitiser and other personal protective equipment
  • developing information to communicate about COVID-19 with people we support, including in easy read format
  • creating areas on our website and intranet with information and resources
  • having an ongoing working group focused on the pandemic
  • keeping staff updated through webinars, email and text alerts on emerging situations  
  • developing risk management plans and responses for individuals at high risk, services and the organisation
  • creating work and hygiene protocols, checklists and guides to keep people safe
  • monitoring and responding to varying jurisdictional actions in relation to COVID safety

Keep yourself safe

Vaccination supports community safety during the pandemic.

Other ways to keep yourself, your family, our staff and our communities safe include:

  • hand washing
  • social distancing
  • wearing masks
  • follow the government rules and encourage the people we support to follow the rules

If you have any questions, ask our staff and seek information from authorised sources of information on public health, such as the health department in your state or territory and the NDIA.

Lifestyle Solutions (Aust) Ltd ACN 097 999 347 is a wholly owned subsidiary of Possability Group Ltd ACN 638 044 327.

© 2025 Lifestyle Solutions  | website by one&three