Lifestyle Equals Sign everyone is equal

We see everyone as equal. 

Our disability services portfolio is built around the needs of our customers.

We provide services that meet the everyday needs of people living with disability so they can live a lifestyle to which they aspire.

For some people, the lifestyle to which they aspire means getting out of bed every morning with a feeling of excitement to take on the new day. For others, it means having autonomy and independence, setting personal goals and achieving them, making a difference to others…or simply just being happy.

We are committed to servicing and supporting your needs and wants in the way that you would expect: reliable, responsive, flexible, friendly, empathetic and caring.

We provide an extensive range of disability support services to promote growth, quality and universal citizenship across the following areas:

For everyday disability support you can count on call 1800 634 748.

Lifestyle Solutions' Disability Services

Lifestyle Solutions (Aust) Ltd ACN 097 999 347 is a wholly owned subsidiary of Possability Group Ltd ACN 638 044 327.

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