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Published on Friday 14 August, 2020

We've been hard at work testing some fun and simple experiments for Science Week that you can try yourself at home.

Everything you will require is easy to get and inexpensive, but be warned, you need to be ready for foaming concoctions, swirling colours and dissolving lollies.  You don’t need to understand the science behind these experiments to have fun.

Support Worker Christine helped research and choose the experiments with the people we support in mind.

“I tested them out at home with my granddaughter first to make sure they were given the thumbs up for fun. We were looking for experiments that were highly visual, colourful, engaging and easy to set up.  It was important that if people wanted to do them again at home, or in their group home, it was doable. It was also important that people we support with limited mobility or motor skills could take part.”

Christine said that while not everyone who took part understood the science behind the experiments, they were excited to be scientists for a day and to explore and play with the concepts.

“We had some fantastic colourful results from improvisation and further experimentation. Everyone absolutely loved it and can’t wait to do it again. It’s been hard not being able to get out as much as we would like due to COVID restrictions, and this was such a fun and easy thing to do but such a great day.  There was so much genuine excitement and fun, it was wonderful.”

The science experiments our eager team have given the big thumbs-up to are baking soda and vinegar fountain, Skittles rainbow with milk and water, food dye, milk and detergent swirl, and the rainbow walking water experiment. They also advise not to eat too many Skittles before the experiment. 

Download our guide to making your own baking soda and vinegar fountain.

See our budding scientists in the gallery below.

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